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 Price list

In addition to independent shorts and features, Dystopic films also offers a complete range of freelance services for all your audio-visual needs. Whether it is a professional grade wedding video for that special day, promotional material for businesses, showreels for actors or technical assistance in creating your short film or TV Pilot; Dystopic Films seeks to provide high quality services at a rate which undercuts many industry competitors. 


A full list of prices and services can be viewed below. 

Production Services Price List
Post-Production Service Price List 

Additional Services Price List

Videography/Camera (Daily) .................. $150.00
Sound Recording (Daily) ......................... $100.00
Videography/Camera (7Days) ................ $600.00
Sound Recording (7 Days)
...................... $400.00
Continuity (Daily)
...................................... $100.00

Gaffing (Daily) .......................................... $100.00

AD/Admin ................................................  $200.00

Technical Advisement ............................  $50.00


Editing Service (3 Days) .......................... $300.00
Editing Service (7 Days) .......................... $600.00
Sound Engineering (3 Days) .................. $200.00
Sound Engineering (7 Days)
 .................. $500.00

VFX Service/Coloring (Daily) .................. $150.00

ADR/Foley Recording ............................. $200.00

Green Screening .................................... $200.00

Conversion/DVD Authorship ...............  $50.00

Script coaching (Daily) .......................... $50.00

Script Staff Writing (Shorts) ................. $100.00

Script Staff Writing (Features) ............. $250.00

Script editing (Shorts) ........................... $50.00

Script editing (Features) ....................... $200.00

Smoke Machine Hire ............................ $14.99

Still Photography .................................. $15.99

Production package

Hire out a complete set of equipment to shoot your production, complete with technical service on set. 

Post Production Package

Have your production edited by an experienced industry professional to give it that extra competative edge at festivals and in the market. 

Package includes:

Videography/Camera (7Days)
Sound Recording (7Days)
Smoke Machine Hire (if required)
Still Photography
Technical Advisement on set

................................................ $900.00

Package Includes:

Editing Service (7 Days)
Sound Engineering (7 Days)
VFX Service/Coloring (7 Days)
ADR/Foley Recording (if required)
Green Screen Hire (if required)
DVD Authorship (if required) 

............................................... $1500.00

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